Type de produit : BLURAY - - Zone A
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Clint Eastwood: The Man with No Name Trilogy (3 Discs)

Titre alternatifA Fistful of Dollars, For a Few Dollars More, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
RéalisateurSergio Leone
LangueFrançais, Anglais, Espagnol
Sous-titresFrançais, Anglais, Espagnol
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‘A Fistful of Dollars’ – A mysterious gunman has just arrived in San Miguel, a grim, dusty border town where two rival bands of smugglers are terrorizing the impoverished citizens. A master of the “quick-draw,” the stranger soon receives offers of employment from each gang. But his loyalty cannot be bought; he accepts both jobs…and sets in motion a plan to destroy both jobs…and sets in motion a plan to destroy both groups of criminals, pitting one against the other in a series of brilliantly orchestrated set-ups, showdowns and deadly confrontations.
‘For a Few Dollars More’ – Eastwood is a keen-eyed, quick-witted bounty hunter on the bloody trail of Indio, the territory’s most treacherous bandit. But his ruthless rival, Colonel Mortimer, is determined to bring Indio in first…dead or alive! Failing to capture their prey—or eliminate each other—the two are left with only one option: team up, or face certain death at the hands of Indio and his band of murderous outlaws.
‘The Good, the Bad and the Ugly’ – A cashbox containing $200,000, that was stolen and hidden in an unmarked grave, is the focus of three men: two criminals and a stranger.

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