Type de produit : DVD - NTSC - Zone 1
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The last wagon

Titre alternatifLa dernière caravane
RéalisateurDelmer Daves
Editeur20th Century Fox
LangueAnglais, Français, Espagnol
Sous-titresAnglais, Espagnol
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Richard Widmark once again essays a character who could be either hero or heel in the rugged western The Last Wagon. After cold-bloodedly shooting down the three men responsible for the death of his wife, Widmark is captured, chained up, and thrown into a wagon heading eastward. Soon afterward, the wagon train is attacked by Indians; the only survivors are Widmark and a group of orphaned children. Freed from his shackles, Widmark proves he’s made of the right stuff by shepherding the children to safety. Marred only by a too-pat ending, The Last Wagon is one of the best of the Delmer Daves-directed westerns, as well as an excellent showcase for such “new talent” as Felicia Farr, Susan Kohner, Tommy Rettig, Nick Adams and James Drury

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